Church Administration Software to ease daily tasks
There are some routine tasks that every church does on a regular basis - this can include managing a database of your members or tracking
donations and contributions.
For the efficient running of your church office & effective support for
your staff and membership, there are a range of applications available to help easy daily, weekly and monthly tasks.
Here's a few requirements to consider before choosing the right solution for your church office.
Do you require:
- a database to track membership & volunteers?
- tracking of contributions, pledges, tithes and offerings?
- help with scheduling appointments and events for staff, volunteers & members?
- an integrated package that includes accounts, payroll and bookkeeping applications or several stand alone solutions?
- an application that can be run from just one p.c. or laptop, or one that can be networked?
help creating basic forms and letters to send out to members,
visitors and the local community?
help in to create bulletins, send emails and create your
church website?
Our reviews
includes the key benefits of each provider and their range of software applications available:
ACS manages every aspect of your church admin requirements, from contribution records, membership, tracking, tithe & contribution tracking, attendance tracking, church accounting, financial analysis, fund accounting, growth planning, even your includes creating & managing your web site.
Comprehensive system for religious education, church membership, contributions, budgets, and more.
CMS is designed to assist with your daily office requirements. Software modules to help you to manage membership, contribution, attendance, outreach, ledger & payables & payroll
EventU is your online scheduling software solution with the tagline "get people involved".
It aims to simplify event management, because everyone involved in the scheduling process has a single place for entering and tracking all information about your events. Offers event management, admin & scheduling. Free software trial is available.
GroupStewardship church software for management, membership, daily office admin communication, scheduling, and stewardship. Downloadable demo available.
Servant Keeper
Servant Keeper is a software application that is easy, powerful, affordable, compatible, searchable, automated, yet absolutely simple to use. It efficiently handles membership, attendance, labels, groups, graphs, contributions, pledges, and administration details; and links to Quicken/QuickBooks for complete accounting.
Tips for the Church Secretary or Administrator - how to run an efficient office with ease.